December 2009
A year over
A month is over again. And 5 months' over. I wasted two months. I don't know will I waste the others. But seriously I'm[...]- 我都幹了些什麼,我這樣做就等於把一個惡魔引了進來。現在只好不繼提醒自己了。我想,騙自己也差不多夠了。若持續下去,什麼「[...]
Trust is important in life. But to me, I trust no one. So no one trusted me. My life goes hard and I can do nothing as [...]- 之前提到,「意義」是人為的;所以對於一件事物,某個人的觀點來說,只要跟過住經驗有所衝突,而合理的推論,說得通便是對。因[...]
Could this worst situation going with me for the rest of the days? I'm poisoned slowly. I must not give up my future. I[...]- 今天討論一下審美觀。審美觀是小時候陪養出來的,在我看了,審美觀一經固定後,便很難改變。它不是先天性的記憶,因此每個人的[...]
The cage
Recently, I'm becoming lazier and frequently trance out in mind.I'm worried. If this happened a longer time. I think my[...]- 至今為止,我纔知道自己給了人家一種「自大」的感覺。而我並不認為自己很自大;或者,對一件事物有信心,然後後言語或行為上表[...]
The things on writing diaries
Why'd people sometimes talk about other persons? I think they wishes to get some recognized for their mind."Do you thin[...]- 人家說時間可以沖淡一切,我對這實在很有共鳴。記得前些日子有個人跟我說,即使你記得某件往事,那時候的情感已經不再一樣,不[...]
Recently, I watched an advertisement from TV. And get something interesting. The whole motive is about mothers love: 'A[...]- 想不到自己的算術速度這麼慢,花了一天時間纔完成試卷,令人洩氣。今天我想說一下大哥的心理,他吃飯的時跟三哥談及考試技考的[...]
Merry christmas!
I broke the promise... I always broke it. I'm trustless and stupid and lack of self-control. I felt stupid and regretfu[...]- 我以後都不敢在晚上喝提神飲品了,這讓我整天都無法入睡。而且我恨死朋這覺感覺,想睡而又睡不著的感覺,一種精神折磨。這天又[...]
Breaking promises
I thought I lied to myself too much. I used computer again. Well, this time I set a timer to limit the time. At least. [...]- 昨天睡得不好,弄得今天整天都在睡,卻還是睡得不好;現在精神很差,今天完全讀不了書。可是用電腦時腦部竟能「運作暢順」,還[...]
Keep the patience
Infact, reading books are really helpful but time-taking. You have to use most of time in checking dictionary. Flipping[...]- 這是很糟的一天,我第一次嘗到了這種莫名的「糟」的感覺。腦子裏空空的,又帶一點飢渴感。「快點找些東西來想」,像在責罵我,[...]
Another typical day
I sometimes felt annoying when I'm writing diary. I can't trace out anything to write. Especially theses couple of week[...]- 我不太喜歡跟別人辯論,因為怕輪……大概是。被別人否定的感覺一點也不好受,所以我不喜歡辯論。或者是害怕辯論。每個人都會有[...]
The stress
Dad is right. Maybe I've too much wants. I'd required too much. Maybe I shouldn't be so. Perhaps I was wrong.I've to be[...]- 背誦的一個可行方法對我來說,不免就只有不地抄了。一邊抄,一邊念;應該能把它們記住。至少,我曾付出過努力吧。或許是因為寂[...]
Keep practicing
When I picked up my pen. I discovered my hands get dry and it looked like an old man's hand. These "cracks" are annoyin[...]- 今天用了一整天來看書,英文書。希望藉此能增加一點英語水平,結果就是翻了一天字典,學了幾個生字吧。「語言是累積的」,不知[...]
Well, In the past diaries. I didn't wrote any "article" for my writing skills. I think I should add one.Many people tal[...]- 很久沒有試過讀書能夠如此爽快,當然這也消耗了相當的精神;加上昨晚只睡了五小時。現在的情況可以說是「透支」了。不幸的是,[...]
Emotion issue
I've a deep impact when my father ask would I pass the generationship to my uncle. That's mean in the families generati[...]- 我能夠消除自己的記憶嗎?有時會突然想起某些過去的事,難堪的事。這令我非常懊惱,很想忘記它。這就是記憶。無論你喜歡不喜歡[...]
The power of musics
"Secret Garden", I like the song but I don't know is there any relation ship to the book with the same name.So I'm talk[...]- 糟糕了,今天的測試證明了我還沒有準備好。只是自己太過自大罷了。不過這還來得及補救。我得加緊温習,要悔過之前對讀書的態度[...]
New rules
I must be faithful when writing this diary. Because this book reflect the "truth" of my heart.What I want to say is I d[...]- 記得某一次到酒樓吃飯,好像是因為嫲嫲辦八十大壽。對面坐著兩個年紀跟我差不多,有點玩世不恭的少年。我在他們眼中看到了些許[...]
A typical day
Okay I could't be patience anymore. I was thinking if I just keep watching television. Couldn't I using computer either[...]- 我開始對讀書感到煩厭,但並不是因為全都懂了,而是因為沒有得到適當的休閒,或者是覺得每天讀書的生活很乏味吧。背書這個工作[...]
I shouldn't rely on my teachers in the school. I'm not ever their student. And they're busy for teaching others. If I j[...]- 又睡了一整天,結果當然是沒有温習。「還是去自修室好了。」我這樣想著。在家裏,壓力總比自修室來得少;拿起書,躺在床上……[...]
These two days I felt so tired that I need to wake up early and sleep lately.My learning of English improved anyway. I [...]- 到了深圳,可以做的事幾乎沒有。閒坐、聊天,實在一點來說,就是沒有什麼意義。大概是來買個人情,把這冰冷的關係弄暖點兒……[...]
Chosing the major
Today I talked with my friend about which subject should be chosen when we up to AS Level. Well, I said that I'll chose[...]- 今天只睡了三個小時,起來後還要立刻到自修室温習,把身體弄得疲憊不堪。精神仿佛,幸好還能保持情緒穩定,沒有把險色弄給朋友[...]
Am I ready?
Infact, I am a stupid. I think I'm really good at math, practice enough. But I am wrong, I was over-estimated my self. [...]- 近來像是失眠,說不定是因為生理時鐘出問題了。我每天一定得三點鐘纔能安睡,前面的時間就是閉著眼睛滾來滾去,耳朵又變得異常[...]
Why I need people's understanding? I think, because I'm afraid being alone and that couses me to speak, communicate wi[...]- 覺得自己很傻,把心裏的東西都告訴別人,口沒遮攔。每當自己做剛完成某件事,或者剛結束交談時,都會立刻意識到「很糟糕」。我[...]
Things are going down
I'm really worried about my brother. I am feared that of he would do something wrong, or to himself.Now, no one is will[...]- 今天自修室太多人了,這是我第一次在自修室外排隊。問了不認識的同學後,得知自己的推論好像不對。因最近不學校的考試時期,但[...]
The plan
I'm really sorry about the books, which I borrowed from the library . A severval weeks that I hadn't read. I have a bad[...]- 想要一個電視屏幕,一個大屏幕,這是我第一次有這麼一種渴望了;我慶幸自己擁有健全的身體,能感受這個視覺世界——所以我想要[...]
The self-report
The wind is blazing, and there is a small rain. I felt cold.I copied my brothers writing. Which describe the day when h[...]- 決定了,我還是想寫個故事。越想越有趣,亦可以從中牽動很多問題,給自己帶來很多樂趣。不過,所謂的決定還是擱到考試完了再說[...]