Download AppData from Device Portal


This script will download appdata stored for an app.

Modify the following parameters:
 - host
 - download_to
 - packagefullname
 - Cookie

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from urllib import request
import ssl, json, os, sys

host = "" # Your Device's IP address
download_to = "app000" # Location to save the downloaded data
cookie = "CSRF-Token=sVFaf9o0li4E1NBE72BIBZQk+HlhpxS4; WMID=7366892322403631730047470568773952721700401324520418066364616518" # The headers sent from the browser

ignore_cert = ssl.create_default_context()
ignore_cert.check_hostname = False
ignore_cert.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
handler_https = request.HTTPSHandler( context = ignore_cert )

opener = request.build_opener( handler_https )
opener.addheaders = [( "Cookie", cookie )]

params0 = {
	"knownfolderid": "LocalAppData"
	, "packagefullname": "<app_package_id>"

uri_fs = "https://%(host)s/api/filesystem/apps/%(uri)s"

def fs_command( cmd, params ):
	p = { **params0, **params }
	qstr = cmd + "?" + "&".join( "%s=%s" % x for x in p.items() )
	return uri_fs % { "host": host, "uri": qstr }

def open_dir( path ):
	params = {}
	if path:
		params[ "path" ] = path

	req = fs_command( "files", params ) )
	data = json.loads( )
	return data

def download( item ):
	_dir = os.path.join( download_to, item[ "SubPath" ] ).replace( "\\", os.path.sep )
	os.makedirs( _dir, exist_ok = True )

	req = fs_command( "file", { "filename": item[ "Id" ], "path": item[ "SubPath" ] } ) )
	with open( os.path.join( _dir, item[ "Name" ] ), "wb" ) as f:
		f.write( )

def download_all( data ):
	for item in data[ "Items" ]:
		f_id, subpath, entry_type = item[ "Id" ], item[ "SubPath" ], item[ "Type" ]

		if entry_type == 32: # Entry is file
			print( "    -> " + f_id )
			download( item )

		elif entry_type == 16: # Entry is folder
			print( "Path: " + subpath )
			ndata = open_dir( subpath )
			download_all( ndata )

data = open_dir( None )
download_all( data )
Profile picture
斟酌 鵬兄
Mon Jan 29 2018 07:09:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Last modified: Mon Jan 29 2018 07:09:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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