August 2010
- 我著重以多角度來看事物,但在眾多角度中我比較看重一個——較消極的角度。常常想這個世界並不存在隨機,因此事物就變得必然。[...]
- 大哥又闊談他的觀念了,一直就說著祖國的不好。自從那起事從他就是這個樣子,覺他有人跟蹤他,想加害他。這病叫什麼來著?迫害[...]
- 家裏,人多了起來就會很吵,很煩,心靜不了下來,又集中不了精神做事。侄子喜歡看我在電腦前做事——或是因為沒事做,又沒有電[...]
- 現在的生活在改變著,三哥考上了大學,經常進進出出,像個上班的人了。每天在為大學的事而忙著,用電腦的習慣亦繼而改變;雙學[...]
- 有什麼東西在改變著,今天大姐跟二姐她們買了蛋糕給家父慶祝生日;意想不到。驚覺自己其實害怕,說著要改變,卻憂慮著,卻又因[...]
- 昨天沒有睡,精神十分差。早上三姐買了小籠包,吃了兩籠。又閉眼養了一會神,就出發跟大夥回香港。隨行的有大姐和二姐。回顧這[...]
- 今天上惠東,車上人多,遇到了有趣的事。今次有點特別,大姐也隨行,我就想確定一下自己的相法。兩件事,家父的態度和祖父的態[...]
- 雖然昨夜沒睡,早上的清新卻使人倍感爽朗,倦意全消。周圍像充滿了靈氣,每一聲呼息就一個煩惱,一會後全身放鬆下來,就覺得世[...]
- 在戶外暴曬了幾天,雙手就灼傷了,就不許出門。悶在房間實在難過,構造亦恰好成了温室,晚上如正午,正午就是沙漠。這樣蚊子也[...]
- 起來時候已不早了,正是十一點多。房間是個三立方米的箱子,這是表弟的房間;一張床,一張桌,一個衣櫃;房間稍高,上半就是牆[...]
- 車程三個小時,風景從高樓到平房、到別墅、到郊野,農地、平房、郊野、農地……我就從眼睏到精神、到暈車、到神怡,嚮往、眼睏[...]
- 很久沒有動過腦根了,今天因為某些需要嘗試解析要如何拆開曲線的電腦方程問題。但絞了一整天腦汁都沒有一絲頭緒。是不是自己多[...]
- 所謂「比上不足,比下有餘」,當然會有比自己差的人。但若人要向下望,那社會就不會進步了。今天又有人致電;重讀生的圈子中,[...]
- 想起小學時代了,突然間想做個網站來聯繫他們。然後又想是不是該聯繫一下中學同學呢?他們好像沒有忘記我,其實自己不是一個人[...]
- 不知不覺,日記成為了我唯一可以流露感情的地方了。每個人都背後都有著些故事;有時我能夠感覺別人所背負的重量,卻無法向別人[...]
- 寫程式寫厭了,就在互聯網試著解答別人的問題;很有趣,原來這就是所謂的「施比受更為有福」。能夠讓別人感謝,是件很幸福的事[...]
- 一直想快點,但又不知道「快點」是要做什麼。心裏就是緊張,快點快點,到底是要幹什麼呢?雖說身上再沒有束縛,或者是不習慣如[...]
- 作文不及格,對我來說是一大打擊,那麼多天的日記全變成廢紙。日記完全不起作用,那裏錯了?我的文章是如此不值一提嗎?我雖自[...]
- 今天就要放榜了,心情沒前以那麼緊張,不過緊張是一定有的;畢竟這關係到自己的前途。今次跟以住有點不同,沒有了從前的自大狂[...]
- 今天那個教育學院在網上派籌,我當時非常緊張,因為開始的時候網絡立即擠塞,不過不一會就連上去了,拿了個一百零二號,不知道[...]
- 來檢討一下生活習慣。我發現自己大部分時間都沉醉於音樂中,用電腦時都會聽音樂。〔我是個喜歡音樂的人,但不是為音樂瘋狂那種[...]
July 2010
- 每次在新的月份我都會回想上個月自己做了些什麼,然後每次都發現自己什麼都沒有做,或者只做了些沒什麼意義的東西。然後就是一[...]
- 《minori》的遊戲總是能扣人心弦啊。令人神往的夢想國度《eden*》,兩個人的故事,結束了的世界。這意想不到的人物[...]
- 終於找到了像樣的遊戲了,從人生觀出發的戀愛遊戲《ef-the fairy tale of the two》,記得之前看[...]
- 今天開始打日記了。雖然做準備的時間花多了,不過現在做起來方便多了。近來把時間花在編寫語言上,兩個月來都在玩戀愛遊戲。這[...]
June 2010
March 2010
Stopping the diary
I'm going to stop the diary. Because of my fault. I need to earn as much time as I could. So I'm cutting other expenses[...]Last call
It is the last month now. There is only success you can choose. You could make a choice that you could did it last year[...]The incident
I could belive that the "Alice's adventure in the Wonderland" could come to screen. I watched the trailer also. I'm thi[...]For one more day
I finally finished the book - For one more day. Tha's the book which holds my largest time to readp - perhaps 2 years -[...]Promise
I promise I'll up to college. I promise I'll success. Because that the only way to break the chain . Free myself. In th[...]
February 2010
- What I did today was just nothing. Yeah, nothing. I finally escaped from the computer. Perhaps my brother was right. Mo[...]
- Today I tried to use the LCD TV as my display monitor but it couldn't display the wide screen mode. How come?{{=ui.tok6[...]
- I'm very tired today. So I suppose to leave this diary blank.^
- I'd tried had to raise up my knowledge on Economies. But just multiple choice. I'd also need to train my presentation o[...]
- The television had crashed for a while but recovered miraclely. Perhaps this was caused by the wet weather. And, I real[...]
- I'm tired, tired to my life. Than studies, entertainment. They're the same, just an aircuit of works ...^
- Nothing important. I've written a method to read floating point for my bytearray# Excuse me?^
- It's 22 now the next month will receive the qualification of the exam - an other warning. I'm wondering where I'll go.{[...]
Questions to the future
2010, I really wish to see what will I became after this year. Will I pass - reach the target at the exam? Oh perhaps I[...]- Nothing important. Suddenly, I realized that there is almost a month left. until the exam. So many subject that I hadn'[...]
- I learnt about dissecting a swf file and how to "read" the data. But just the start to docompress and read the file hea[...]
- I've a month that doesn't touch a book. What did I do? What am I suppose to do? Today I tried to find out the song stuc[...]
- In this new central. The only way to let your name stay over thousands years is to become a scientist, make a shock to [...]
- My illnesses is getting worser. It caused me having a bad sleep. I couldn't remembered how I sleep today. But long enou[...]
- Did I get something wrong? Why would I said about "the calculation of risk is something of lying"? I think I know me. I[...]
- My father warns me "Are you going back to the day past now, crazing on the computer?" Perhaps I am, lost, and find a wa[...]
- I'd learning with PHP. Troubled in DOMXML. And spent much time in it to get a little return. That's completely "unwise"[...]
- Nothing important I forgot what I'd today but onnly using computer. Oh, I did Econ paper! And I'd got the mark as low a[...]
- I'd had a month that haven't practice about maths. And of course it's worsen. Fallen to around 2 questions.Oh, I still [...]